Summer's finally here, and you know what that means? That's right, all your favorite summer activities; lazy backyard BBQ's, smooth summer jams, staying out late riding bikes all night, selling illegal drugs in the park, and some good-natured petty theft! Wait, that's NOT how you normally spend your summer? Uh, yeah, me neither. I normally... play a sport. But if the nice weather's got you in the mood for some good old-fashion mischief and chicanery, by golly it must be time for another Light Grey Game Night! So mark your calendar forThursday, May 11th from 6:30 - 9:30 pm.
As you might remember, we're attaching a theme to each night to help people narrow down what games they might want to bring (although you're still welcome to bring whatever you'd like!). This week's theme is Shady Business!
Pull off the perfect caper in the cooperative heist game Burgle Bros, sneak epic loot out of the dungeon without making too much noise in Clank!, or use teamwork and communication to solve a grisly murder, but beware the murderer might be in your midst, in Deception: Murder in Hong Kong, among plenty of others! If you have a favorite boardgame, bring it!
So grab your friends, family or favorite stack of board games, and come play with us! RSVP via our Facebook event, and feel free to share! The more the merrier! See you Thursday!