Young Mystics: Tarot Journaling
Young Mystics: Tarot Journaling
$5 / free for students (just bring your ID) — drop ins welcome!
RSVP here!
THURSDAY, January 18th @ 6:30 - 9:00pm
Instructor : Lindsay Nohl
Join us for a two and a half hour workshop in understanding the Tarot and it's many uses as a predictive, reflective, and therapeutic tool. This workshop will cover how to use Tarot to reach the deepest recesses of our minds via automatic journaling. We will discuss how to use the Tarot as a vehicle for introspection, and learn how to build a daily journaling practice that is easy, freeing, and insightful. We will discuss effortless ways of connecting with the cards, how to look for symbols and signs within the imagery to help draw out our own subconscious themes, and what re-reading our own writings can do to improve mindfulness and personal progress. One and three-card introspective mini readings will be discussed during the workshop as well to improve depth in our journaling exercises.
This workshop is one in a series of Tarot workshops / meet-ups at Light Grey. Look for more upcoming Young Mystics classes and related make-and-take workshops this year! We plan on hosting some study groups, related get-togethers and more for people looking to explore their mystical side.
Tarot is mysterious --- with it's esoteric symbolism, loaded imagery, archetypal characters, and taboo connotations. This workshop will explore the different ways of using Tarot, and how to decide the best way to approach using Tarot to enhance your self-understanding.
This workshop is for beginners AND practiced readers and is an opportunity to revisit one's practice amongst like-minded folks and to introduce new reading techniques.
We’ll practice reading with a few new spreads in class, so participants can practice their new knowledge with others!
This class is open to beginners and beyond - anyone interested in discussing the symbols and stories within the Tarot should stop by!
Bring your deck or use one of ours!
Bring a notebook and writing utensil to take notes!
This event is open to the public, so feel free to bring a friend!
Class is $5 / Free for students (just bring your ID).
Feel free to RSVP online on our Facebook Event Page HERE
About Young Mystics:
Light Grey Art Lab's Young Mystics meet-ups allow curious minds to explore metaphysical and mystical concepts with an enthusiastic and encouraging community of individuals with backgrounds in art, symbolism, philosophy, Tarot, and other esoteric interests. Classes are held every two-three weeks at Light Grey on a variety of rotating subjects! Check the Facebook page for upcoming events. All events are drop-in and open to the public! Everyone is welcome!