HEY! If you haven’t heard yet, we are working on an incredible project to support graduating artists!
The exhibition is a giant virtual gallery of the world’s collective commencement exhibitions for Spring 2020. We have made it very easy for students to participate in the virtual gallery by asking for a single virtual exhibition installation applied to one of the walls in the Light Grey Art Lab exhibition space in Minneapolis. This project is designed to give the students a chance to install/curate their work, similar to a commencement exhibition, and envision their collection on display. Graduates will then have their work virtually exhibited alongside their peers from schools around the globe in an effort to provide the visibility and connection they deserve at a time like this. The virtual exhibition will launch May 22nd, 2020 and will be promoted through the month of June. The galleries will be available for viewing on the Light Grey Art Lab website, featured via social media, and through promotions from our media sponsors.
Find all the details, apply to participate, support the students, or become a project sponsor: