Hi Everyone!
A huge thank you to all of the folks that have signed up for the End is Nigh Exhibition! We had nearly 400 individuals apply to be a part of the project, so it has been a pleasure looking through all of the portfolios. This will be the final show that we have in our current gallery space, very bittersweet, so we are looking forward to making it extra special!
In the coming days, artists in the project will receive a big email and information pages about how to submit artwork and what is involved in the project. If you didn’t make it in the gallery project, but still want to make something, please feel free! We will be sharing works throughout October tagged #lightgreyartlab or #lgaltheendisnigh #projectnigh
Save the date for the opening reception on October 29th, 2021 from 7-10pm!
The opening reception will include work by all 200+ artists, installed works, drinks, and a costume party since it is Halloween weekend. More details on the opening coming soon — masks and social distancing will still be required.
THE ALLEGORY: Alex Conkins, Alexxander Dovelin, Allen Geneta, Allie Strom, Amanda Ware, Angela Hsieh, Angela Rizza, Ashley Mackenzie, Camilla Roeder, Casey Hunt, Cassandra Mazur, Celyn Eira Davies, Chelsea Harper, Cristina Bencina, Cynta Camilia, Ellie Martin, Helen Mask, Karen Kuo, Karina Rehrbehn, Kiran Joan, Lauren Duda, Mana Srisudthayanon, Megan Russell, Morgan Madeline, Natalie Nelson, Rachel Maves, Renée Park, Riotbones, Sheena Holm, and Yusra Shahid
THE CHARACTERS OF DEATH: Al Polston, Alessandra Fusi, Alyssa Maynard, Bayla Arietta, Becca Olene, Bethany Sellers, Brit Austin, Caitlin Ono, Caroline Dougherty, Chloe M. Giroux, Christopher Hegland, Cleonique Hilsaca, Dave Kopka, Dennis Madamba, Em Allen, Erik Krenz, Fran Matsumoto, Grace Fong, Jacquelin de Leon, Jay Schriber, Jess Seto, Jessica Bishop, John Vogl, Karyn Lee, Kate Gottfredson, Kate Sheridan, Keli Kristine, Kestrel Blue Hendrickson, Kiki Kita, Kira Night, Kring Demetrio, Kristin Siegel-Leicht, Laura Catherwood, Lauren Emmons, Lilith Wu, Lynn Nguyen, Mary Grace Corpus, Molly Magnell, Monica Amneus, Nadia Rausa, Nancy Zhang, Nate Hillyer, Rachel Handley, Sebastián Flores - Forever, ZeroDragon, and ShinYeon Moon
MISC, OMENS, OBJECTS, SCIENTIFIC: Alex Belardo Kostiw, Amanda Surveski, Ambi Sun, Ann Fry, Anna Stead, Asa Ora, Brigitte La, Carrie Alyson, Cassie Hart, Chelsea Housand, Chris Sisti, Christopher Payne, Cindy De la Cruz, Coral Moore, Donte D’Amico, Em Varian, Emily Considine, Emily Poole, Emma McDonnell, Faryn Hughes, Gels Caletrío, German Shible, Gina Beneduci, Jamie Loughran, Jeremy Holder, Jordan C. Witt, Justin DeVine, Kat Lyons, Katlyn Griffin, Kaylee Rowena, Laura Brett, Lydia Guadagnoli, Madeline Dall, Mar Delmar, Marla Klein, Melissa Duffy, Michayla Grbich, Noël Clark, Rachel Beenken, Rachel Bostick, Raven Warner, Robin K Herman, Roxanne Rainville, Shannon Kuguenko, Sharya Wick, and Veronica Shomo
TOMBS, TOMBSTONES, MONUMENTS: Adam Hoppus, Alic Parkes, Allegra Lockstadt, Andrew James Christensen, Angie Hewitt, Anine Bösenberg, Ash Rudolph, Ashley Hohnstein, Ashley Masog, Benjamin Lam, Brock Brown, Carly A-F, Chris Olsen, Dana Kingery, Diane Guzman, Erin Bennett, Evangeline Gallagher, Grace Kim, Jacob Yeates, Jess Schultz, John Barlow, John Wilinski, Jordan Burby, Kaeti Vandorn, Katherine Kuehne, Kayla Kowalyk, Kelsey King, Kyle Harabedian, Kymberli Janine, Leigh Luna, Liz Gollner, LM Pederson, Lydia Fusco, Lys Reese, Maks Miner, Meagan Meli, Pa-Luis, Rachel Sandoffsky, Rafael Mayani, Robin Sheldon, Ry Macarayan, Saleha Chowdhury, Sally Tennant, Sam Sherrill, Samantha Lin, Sarah Webb, Shauna Lynn Panczyszyn, Sophie Morse, Stephanie Lailine, Taylor Mauldin, Tom Wiener, Yuko Okabe, and Yunroo
WEARABLES: Alanna Stapleton, Amanda Clarke, Amber Arnoldsen, Amber Rankin, Anouk van der Meer, Ariana Blaeuer, Ariel Mika Gorski, Arielle Marcum, Ashley Floréal, Azalea Haylock, Barbara Guttman, Benjawad Ouafa, Camille Chew, Chelsea Chung, Duachaka Her, Emily C McLean, Emily Castillo, Geonette Marie, Gianne Encarnacion, Ha-Young Lee, Hannah Jerrie, Heather Christianson, Iris Monahan, Isabel Burke, Kait Bartlett, Karen Krajenbrink, Kim Bogeman, Lachlan Herrick, Lindsay Dale Scott, Lucy Comer, Lyvian Sieg, Melissa Somerville / Fried Unicorn Studio, Mia Stratman, Michele Phillips, Mike Jasnowski, Missy Weir, Nicole Pisaniello, Patricia Thomasson, Peony Gent, Torey Butner, Ulana Zahajkewycz, Victoria Skellan, Vivian Magaña, and Zoe Vanden Berk