The Hand-Done Type Class with Andres Guzman
We want to send out a huge 'thank you' to everyone that came to (the ever-amazing) Andres Guzman's Hand Done Type workshop! With a class full of 16 eager artsits, Andres gave demos, advice and hands-on help for creating and working with hand done typography.
The workshop was set amidst the awesome images of the Expletive Typography Exhibition, and Andres led everyone through a series of techniques, methods and styles. Andres was quick to give credit to some of his favorite (local and international) masters of type while flipping through his own stash of inspirational slides.
Andres talked a little bit about street art and graffiti as inspiration, black letter and script, amongst others, and led the group in a series of mark making exercises with a huge variety of materials.

We are looking forward to Andres's other upcoming workshops - including his Portraiture workshop, a Landscape Workshop, a Character & Concept workshop, and a to-be-announced Hand Done Type 2 class! All of these are coming up over the next month and a half!
And even better, taking a workshop is fun but it's more fun with a friend! So we're offering a discount to anyone who brings their best pal to one of Andres' classes! Each workshop is normally $25, but bring a friend and admission drops to $20 each! So you both win!
We're hoping it makes our workshops fun, full and really easy for people to join us on a weekend!

The class was a great way to spend a Sunday afternoon and we're super thankful for everyone that came out and spent time with all of us. Andres, you're amazing. We couldn't have done it without you!
More photos from the workshop can be found HERE on our flicker set! And take a look at Andres's other work here. What a guy!
And don't forget to sign up for Andres' next workshop, Portraiture!