The odds are stacked against you and time is running out. Failure is knocking on the door, and it all comes down to this final roll. Griping the dice tightly in your first, you take a deep breath as your teammates look on in hopeless despair. You close your eyes and toss the dice...
The room is silent when you finally bring yourself to peak at the results. The silence is broken by an absurdly obtuse string of expletives because those @#$%&!-ING DICE CAN @#$%&!ING EAT MY @#&*-ING @*&$! THEY'RE @*$^&-ING CURSED I *#%&@-ING SWEAR IT! THIS GAME CAN @#$%* ME IN THE *@#$%-ING! I'M GOING THE @*#$% HOME, @!#$%& YOU!!!
That foul language must mean it's time for another Light Grey Game Night! So mark your calendar for Thursday, June 11th from 6:30 - 9:30 pm!
As you might remember, we're attaching a theme to each night to help people narrow down what games they might want to bring (although you're still welcome to bring whatever you'd like!). This week's theme is Panic Level, where we play games that push us to work together to overcome overwhelming odds!
Work together to keep out the undead and expose the scheming traitor in Dead of Winter, roll fistfuls of dice to stamp out disease and death in Pandemic: The Cure, and beat the clock as you defend against alien invaders in XCOM, among plenty of others! If you have a favorite boardgame, bring it!
So grab your friends, family or favorite stack of board games, and come play with us! RSVP via our Facebook event, and feel free to share! The more the merrier!