Don't look nervous, just play it cool. Cool as a cucumber... It's you against them, and so far you've been doing an okay job maintaining your "innocence". You've just got to stick to your story, make solid eye contact, and keep your lies straight. A couple more rounds and you'll be home free. Wait, someone's asking you a pointed question. Think of something!
Crap! Nothing! Quick, flip the table and run! This panic-induced escape must mean it's time for another Light Grey Game Night! So mark your calendar for Thursday, July 9th from 6:30 - 9:30 pm!
As you might remember, we're attaching a theme to each night to help people narrow down what games they might want to bring (although you're still welcome to bring whatever you'd like!). This week's theme is subterfuge!
Join us as as we sneak through a high-security compound, hiding just out of sight in Specter Ops, struggle to keep the spy clueless in Spyfall, and lie through your teeth to sneak a bag full of crossbows past the law in Sheriff of Nottingham, among plenty of others! If you have a favorite boardgame, bring it!
So grab your friends, family or favorite stack of board games, and come play with us! RSVP via our Facebook event, and feel free to share! The more the merrier!