Young Mystics: Spells & Intentions
$5 / free for students (just bring your ID) — drop ins welcome!
RSVP here!
THURSDAY, March 1st @ 6:30 - 8:00pm
Instructor : Lindsay Nohl
So you’re curious -- What is magic and how does a person begin practicing? Join us for a night of exploration & sharing and seeing how intention-setting helps us manifest good in our lives, how we build resilience, and how we can build personal rituals that empower us. Learn how to craft your own practice in a welcoming space and share your own methods of practice, or learn from others.
Join us in creating a circle of positivity and wellness, and take home new ideas for how to use Tarot and the four elements of earth, air, fire, and water to guide and focus our energies. This workshop is open to all people looking to formalize their ritual practice, those wanting to share ways of setting up their home space for their own positive spell-work.
This workshop is one in a series of workshops / meet-ups at Light Grey. Look for more upcoming Young Mystics classes and related make-and-take workshops this year! We plan on hosting some study groups, related get-togethers and more for people looking to explore their mystical side.
Bring a notebook and writing utensil to take notes!
This event is open to the public, so feel free to bring a friend!
Class is $5 / Free for students (just bring your ID).
Feel free to RSVP online on our Facebook Event Page HERE
About Young Mystics:
Light Grey Art Lab's Young Mystics meet-ups allow curious minds to explore metaphysical and mystical concepts with an enthusiastic and encouraging community of individuals with backgrounds in art, symbolism, philosophy, Tarot, and other esoteric interests. Classes are held every two-three weeks at Light Grey on a variety of rotating subjects! Check the Facebook page for upcoming events. All events are drop-in and open to the public! Everyone is welcome!