Thanks to everyone that put your name in!
The participating artist list is HERE.
Thanks again and keep your eyes peeled for another call soon!
An Exhibition About Auspicious Times
Call Ends October 15th!
"C'mon..... Momma needs a new pair of shoes!"
I laugh because what I'm saying is ridiculous, but also because it's true. This year has been nothing but trouble, loss, disappointment, and just a lot of work. I've been waiting to get a new pair of boots for winter... but I can't quite seem to keep any money in my checking account.
I'm taking a gamble tonight that this is going to be it. This is the moment when everything is going to change for the better. I know it. I can feel it. There's a little red dent in my skin from pressing my palm into this necklace. My grandmother sent it to me with a note.
"Auspicious times are near," I try to massage the ache out of my sternum. "But luck is decided, not by chance."
I put down the remainder of my cash on the table and take a deep breath. I hope she's right.
This December we will be looking to uncover the truth about when, and how, we perceive the idea of luck and the seemingly random nature of being fortunate. Do we rely on superstition? What are the origins of lucky charms? Do we have rituals to keep us safe, prepare us for greatness, or to hopefully sway fate to a positive outcome? 2017 with undoubtedly be full of new circumstances and opportunities, but how much can we determine fate by taking initiative at the right times?
In 2017, the Chinese Zodiac introduces us to the Year of the Rooster, complete with an entire set of numbers, dates, and methodologies for making sure to avoid pitfalls and take advantage of the best times. Whether or not you believe in Luck, it never hurts to send out some positive vibes to the world.
We are looking for artists that would like to create an image intended to bring a bit of luck to others in GILDED fashion! We're excited to announce that we'll be foil-stamping the work contributed to the Fortune Exhibition! Participating artists will see their artwork transform into a foil stamped piece in gold, rose gold, or mint finish, and have the option to sell their work as a print, as well as a limited edition foil calendar for 2017. Details on how to prepare artwork for the process, pricing, and artwork delivery info will be provided to all participating artists upon the closing of the call for artists!
If you're interested in joining us for the Fortune Exhibition, please submit your name, email and links below in the COMMENTS SECTION by OCTOBER 15th!
Lindsay Nohl
October 15th, Call for artists ends
October 20 - 22, Jurying and Participating Artists Announced
November 15th, FINAL ART FILES DUE (Digital files only for this one!)
As always, due to the nature of our exhibitions, we ask that all artists interested in participating review the schedule above before submitting your links! We will not be able to take any late artwork for this exhibition because of the Thanksgiving holiday, so please keep the deadlines in mind when signing up! :) Thank you!
Thanks and please let us know if you have any questions!