Thanks for applying!
Participating artists announced soon!
The light was waning as he scraped the edge of a sharp rock again against the bleeding birch. It was becoming hard to see, but it was important that this message be finished before nightfall. "Let this be a warning to you," he muttered under his breath. The lines stacked up in a vertical tower, just like hap-hazard scars of an old, stitched wound, sap beginning to ooze from the fresh cuts. The papery bark of the birch curled away from the cuts just barely. The message was clear.
An exhibition about botany: Genetics, Enchanted Forests, and Designed Garden Spaces
Opens March 23 • 7-10pm
Oghams were the early medieval alphabet of the Irish during the 1st century - 9th century AD and is a representation of letters corresponding with the trees of Ireland, Wales, and Southern England. Each letter not only held symbolism represented by the glyph, but the inherent qualities of the woods they represented. Whether the medieval language was first created as a secret way to send messages by druids, or as an alternative to the latin script, the true reason remains unknown, but the glyphs can still be found preserved in old churchyards of the British Isles.
The importance of trees goes way beyond their mythology. The rich ecosystems within old growth forests are expansively diverse and complex. The woodlands help provide infinite habitats for creatures, support highways of connective fungal networks which transport energy, nutrients, and information through the forest floor. These are places where time stands still and we can see a window into how life on our planet would be without the presence of man. Here, in the forests, we find elements that house the fundamental basis for new medicines, and the presence of natural chemicals that assist in cancer research. There are amazing sustainable and unique food sources found here that are nowhere else on the planet.
This March, we are looking to investigate the nature of botany and will be offering additional programming, lectures, and podcast content around how tree and plant life influence our world. We'll talk with furniture designers about the history and aspects of hardwoods, learn about sustainable harvesting techniques and the impact of global deforestation, learn about the presence of leaves in heraldry, and the homeopathic benefits of certain leaves, flowers and seeds.
We are looking for artists that wish to investigate trees with us, in any aspect of their importance.
Artists wishing to create a small piece of work for the exhibition - less than 8 x 10 in any medium (digital or original,) please submit your links below in the comments! (please do not send emails as they sometimes get lost in the shuffle!)
The work will be displayed in our brick & mortar gallery in Minneapolis as well as permanently archived on the Light Grey Art Lab exhibition site, priced by the artist, with our standard gallery commission of 60% / 40% in favor of the artist. We do offer printing services to help people that would like to submit without having to ship a piece, as well as frame rental for those interested. More information about print on demand services or other show specifics will be sent to all participating artists as soon as the jurying is complete!
If you'd like to be involved and create a piece of work for this upcoming show, please put your name, email, and links to your work online below in the comments section by FEBRUARY 28th! We will be jurying the exhibition as the entries are received and we will be notifying all participating artists via email with more information about the exhibition timing, sending artwork, and the other participating artists by March 2!
Lindsay Nohl
Dates to consider!
February 28: Call for art ends
March 2: Artists Announced on or before this date via email, blog & social media. Artists receive all show info via the artist log-in page.
March 14 - 17: All artwork due to the gallery. (Digital and original works)
March 23: Exhibition opening reception at Light Grey Art Lab in Minneapolis and online!
This is a VERY FAST call for art, as we have a lot going on at the gallery this month! But, if you are quick and you would like to be a part of the show, please apply in the comments!
Questions? Send us a note!