We'll be posting the participating artist list soon! Thanks for submitting!
You've got about forty minutes before you have to be at their house. The ensemble of sounds and smells fills the kitchen, and you dance between stove, to sink, to cutting board, and back, just like you've done for years. This is your specialty. Muscle memory has kicked in, and instinctively, you weigh a pinch of salt in your hand before throwing it into the skillet. You can tell by the texture that it's almost there. You dip a spoon into the mixture and taste.
Yes. This is it.
An exhibition about the things we eat
Opens April 27th • 7-10pm
Light Grey Art Lab
118 E. 26th Street #101
Minneapolis Minnesota 55404
We are looking to create the ultimate global potluck featuring home-cooked dishes from food-loving artists around the world. FOODIES is an exhibition featuring imagery of dishes we love to cook. In addition to exhibiting work about the food we love, each participating artist will receive a recipe box filled with the dishes from each artist involved!
For the month of April, we are are looking for artists that want to draw food with us and share the recipes for how to make it at home! We're specifically going to be looking for a lunch or dinner-type dish. This can be in any category you wish (including sides, mains, appetizers, desserts...and if there is something specific to your home town, region, or area of the world that you'd like to introduce to the other artists involved, we encourage it!)
The big concept is to try to bring home-cooked food to each others tables through sharing what we all like making at home! You'll be able to suggest alternative ingredients on the recipe card (say, for example, you want to make a vegetarian option suggestion, or a gluten free option...) as well as provide any information you'd like about the history of the dish / ingredients via the didactic that will accompany the work in the physical and virtual galleries.
During the exhibition, we'll be asking artists to create an work of art that is 6" H x 9" W that features a compelling image of their chosen dish, as well as a limited edition of 100 4" x 6" double-sided recipe cards featuring that image on one side, with the recipe for how to make it on the other.
THEN, we'll display the original in the brick and mortar gallery (this could be in any medium!) along with #1 of the edition of the recipe cards, and each participating artist will receive a complete collection of recipe cards from the FOODIES exhibition (one from each artist involved.) The remainder of the recipe cards will be for sale at the gallery along with the original work for the duration of the exhibition.
We are looking for artists that wish to cook with us and share their special dishes with others!
Please submit your links below in the comments! (please do not send emails as they sometimes get lost in the shuffle!)
The work will be displayed in our brick & mortar gallery in Minneapolis as well as permanently archived on the Light Grey Art Lab exhibition site, priced by the artist, with our standard gallery commission of 60% / 40% in favor of the artist. We do offer printing services to help people that would like to submit without having to ship a piece, as well as frame rental for those interested. More information about print on demand services or other show specifics will be sent to all participating artists as soon as the jurying is complete!
If you'd like to be involved and create a piece of work for this upcoming show, please put your name, email, and links to your work online below in the comments section by MARCH 26th! We will be jurying the exhibition as the entries are received and we will be notifying all participating artists via email with more information about the exhibition timing, sending artwork, and the other participating artists by March 28!
Lindsay Nohl
Dates to consider!
March 26: Call for art ends
March 28: Artists Announced on or before this date via email, blog & social media. Artists receive all show info via the artist log-in page.
April 18: All artwork and recipe cards due to the gallery. (Digital and original works)
April 27: Exhibition opening reception at Light Grey Art Lab in Minneapolis and online!
This is a VERY FAST call for art, as we have a lot going on at the gallery this month! But, if you are quick and you would like to be a part of the show, please apply in the comments!
Questions? Send us a note!