The start of 2019 is still fresh in our minds, the Year of the Pig has just begun, and many of us have exciting plans just waiting to be fulfilled. There’s no denying that the beginning of the year invites in exciting new energy and prospects for change in many aspects of our lives. Today, with Valentine’s day in our sights, let’s take some time to reflect and focus with some of the most important people in our lives.
First things first, this spread is for a 10-card reading so it’ll take some time to get through. We find it’s good to set aside and hour or two for this, so we’d recommend waiting till later if you don’t have that kind of time to spare right now. Secondly, we find this is infinitely more enjoyable to do together with your partner(s). You can do this reading by yourself if you wish, but we believe the energies of those present are incredibly important when it comes to tarot, so having all involved in the same space can be truly special.
We recommend you go somewhere you find really comfortable, take some deep breaths, momentarily let go of your current responsibilities (they’ll be there after the reading, we promise) , and be truly present as you do this reading.
Take care and enjoy, friends.
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