This past Friday we had a good-old-fashioned Lock-In at Light Grey Art Lab! Guests hunkered down at 9 PM Friday night and stayed up all night drawing, talking, painting, knitting, snacking writing and more.

We had about 25 people packed into the space, with plenty of coffee, snacks, movies and videogame to go around in case they were going stir-crazy from too much art. The night was an excuse to burn the midnight oil surrounded by like-minded creatives and just have an excuse to sit around and... make.

By the time the doors opened at 5 AM and everyone went on their merry way, there were some pretty tired individuals but it was a blast of a night. It's rare to get the chance to have a block of uninterrupted time to think, work and just chill out, and the Lock-In provided an excuse to do just that!

Thanks to everyone who came, and if you missed out, don't worry! There's more in the future. Infact, the next one already planned for Feb 1st! Sign up now!
And if you want to see ALL the pictures from the night, check out the flickr set!