Time to sketch!
This time we've teamed up with the sketchbook project for a massive, exciting display of all of our stream-of-consciousness, self indulgent and unedited ramblings, doodles, sketches and process!!
This is the first time that we can officially say we can include EVERYONE that submits in the show! We are so excited you don't even know!
So here's how this one will work!
We are the official Minneapolis stop for the 1703 Miles and Back Tour on Sunday, September 22 from 1 - 5pm! The mobile library will be rolling in to the Twin Cities and EVERY SINGLE ONE OF YOUR BOOKS WILL BE THERE, ON DISPLAY, FOR EVERYONE TO LOOK AT!!! The books will head out from Minneapolis the next day to finish the tour before finally joining the rest in their library in Brooklyn, NY of over 22,000 sketchbooks from over 130 countries!
In addition to the mobile library, we will be projecting your artwork on our walls for the duration of the month and throwing a reception for a dual exhibition with another soon-to-be announced topic on Friday, September 20th from 7 - 10pm! In addition, we'll be including an online gallery of your work on our site to celebrate all of your awesome work.
So, gear up your sketching materials and join us!
OKAY, so how do you sign up to be a part of our exhibition?
Since this is a special collaborative project, we have a 'call for entries' that is a little different than normal!
In order to be a part of the tour, you have to register in two places.
First, you have to join as part of the 1703 Miles and Back Tour.
Click here to join the tour and get your sketchbook!
Because James from the Sketchbook project was super awesome, he gave us a 20% off discount code:
Once you're registered, you just have to put your name down below by June 1st so we know we can count you in like this:
Lindsay Nohl
So, once you get your book in the mail all you have to do is read the materials they send you, and then do what you do best: draw in it. The whole exhibition is about the raw, self indulgent and exploratory work! This is a time for you to do things that are unexpected and daring. Do things in that book that you've never given yourself a chance to do before. Practice some things, draw from life, do some hand-lettering, make a flip-book, do whatever it takes to inspire you.
Scan up to four of your favorite spreads of your sketchbook at 300dpi (jpeg, pdf, psd, tiff, and png are all welcome), fill out the form at the bottom of this blog post and upload them!
The information in the form below gets sent to our dropbox folder, where we'll gather up all of your art and get it ready for the show!
Don't forget to label your artwork with your name like this : lastname_firstname_1.jpg We just need your 4 images at Light Grey by July 1st.
It's probably the easiest thing you can do to be involved.
Don't worry if you can't finish your whole book by July 1st -- we just need 4 of your favorite pieces.
If you need a little bit of extra time to finish your book, you have until August 15th to send it back into the Sketchbook Project in order for it to join the rest of us on the tour!
And that's it!
Thanks guys, we're super excited and happy sketching to you!
We're super excited, so please spread the word! The more the merrier!
Questions? Send us a note at hello(at)lightgreyartlab(dot)com and we'll help!