Put your back into it!
Submit by April 17th!
EDIT (4.18.13) Thanks, Everyone, for submitting your names! We'll have a final list of artists announced shortly!
Thanks again!
But not just any posters! We're looking for artists and designers interested in creating gorgeous type-centric words of wisdom, encouragement and pieces with an all-around 'you can do it' flavor! Humorous, serious, inspirational or even words meant as ‘tough love’ are all fair game.
Remember that kitten poster from the early 90s? 'Hang in there?'
I used to look up at that poster on my wall and say "You're right, kitten! If you can hang in there, so can I!"
Think of all of the people you can inspire to make work, do things, keep going, and feel good about doing so!
For the duration of this show you are a drillmaster. You’re a cheerleader. You’re that Successories plaque with an eagle flying over a mountain. You can smack us in the knuckles with your ruler. Pick us up by the bootstraps and shake our shoulders until we get up and get stuff done! Yeah, we may be hard-headed, or sensitive, or lazy.... or maybe we just need a little bit of encouragement -- but we all need something telling us that we can do it if we put our backs into it. (Yes, I realize that song isn't exactly about working... but you get the idea.)
The whole month of June at Light Grey will be focused around the idea of doing more, getting things done and staying motivated. We’ve got some great lectures and topics planned for you guys.
Each poster will be hung (of course!) in our gallery in Minneapolis as well as featured online on our site, and on the shop!
The show will be happening mid-June through mid-July! (Dates to come shortly!)
So, if you’re interested in making a poster for our upcoming motivational poster-show, please put your name, email and website below by April 17th!
We'll be announcing the final list of artists after the 17th! You can do it! :)