Station Zero is finally here and on this week's podcast we talk to contributing artist and good pal Evan Palmer. Evan is always a joy to talk to, so we just had a laid-back conversation about his piece for Station Zero and what sci-fi means to him. and then we throw a few tough questions his way...

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Talking Sci-Fi (and more) with Evan Palmer
Length: 00:50:15
Synopsis: On this week's podcast we talk to Evan Palmer, a local artist and good friend who has contirbuted work to a number of Light Grey Art Lab exhibits, including the just-launched Station Zero! We talk to Evan about his contribution to Station Zero then proceed to pick his brain about his books, art, movies, games and more!
Evan on tumblr
Evan's website
Evan on twitter
The Hyperion Cantos by Dan Simmons:
The Fall of Hyperion
The Rise of Endymion
Oryx and Crake
And for good measure, check out this link for Evan on WCCO's segment about Station Zero!