This weekend Light Grey Art Lab is hosting a fall lock-in with a special twist: it's an all-night zine-making party! And if that isn't enough, it's hosted by Nights and Weekends artist Campbell Whyte, who is visiting us from Australia!
Campbell will be sharing his projects and process, presenting demos, and working alongside participating guests as they create 8 page mini-zines that will be copied and distributed at the end of the night (that's right–each participant will have their own collection of zines at the end of the night!)
Here's the break-down:
9pm—10pm: Meet Campbell & his practice! Campbell will be showing his work, talking about his process and sharing stories with us about his 8-bit dreams series, Home Time (his comic) and his other endeavors.
10pm—11pm: Participate in some technique demos, creative challenges and awesome conversation about comic-making as we head into the prompt for the night! 11pm - 3am Make work alongside Campbell, the Light Grey Team and all of your new art friends! We'll be drawing, story-telling and getting down to business.
11pm—3am: Make work alongside Campbell, the Light Grey Team and all of your new art friends! We'll be drawing, story-telling and getting down to business.
3am: Late-night photo-copying run!
3:30am—5am: Assembling, reading, sharing and talking comics!
And since we know it's a must for any all-night work party, we'll have an unlimited supply of tea and coffee to keep artists going all night long! Guests just need to bring their (black and white) materials of choice–we recommend ink and black and white watercolors. We'll provide paper, though guests are welcome to bring their own if they have a preference.
If you'd like to learn more about Campbell Whyte, you can check out his website:
If you'd like to sign up for the workshop, visit the shop to register or learn more!

Campbell will be sharing his projects and process, presenting demos, and working alongside participating guests as they create 8 page mini-zines that will be copied and distributed at the end of the night (that's right–each participant will have their own collection of zines at the end of the night!)
Here's the break-down:
9pm—10pm: Meet Campbell & his practice! Campbell will be showing his work, talking about his process and sharing stories with us about his 8-bit dreams series, Home Time (his comic) and his other endeavors.
10pm—11pm: Participate in some technique demos, creative challenges and awesome conversation about comic-making as we head into the prompt for the night! 11pm - 3am Make work alongside Campbell, the Light Grey Team and all of your new art friends! We'll be drawing, story-telling and getting down to business.
11pm—3am: Make work alongside Campbell, the Light Grey Team and all of your new art friends! We'll be drawing, story-telling and getting down to business.
3am: Late-night photo-copying run!
3:30am—5am: Assembling, reading, sharing and talking comics!

And since we know it's a must for any all-night work party, we'll have an unlimited supply of tea and coffee to keep artists going all night long! Guests just need to bring their (black and white) materials of choice–we recommend ink and black and white watercolors. We'll provide paper, though guests are welcome to bring their own if they have a preference.
If you'd like to learn more about Campbell Whyte, you can check out his website:
If you'd like to sign up for the workshop, visit the shop to register or learn more!