Exciting News everyone! We JUST got back from an amazing trip to New York with the Paper Bicycle team (Lindsay Nohl, Chris Hajny, Francesca Buchko and Alyssa Nassner) and 12 amazing artists & designers. This workshop was designed around helping illustrators and designers get to know a little bit more about the world of licensing and selling your work as patterns and graphics for products.

The team arrived and got situated in our Chelsea hotel and got right to work talking about trend spotting as we prepped for a walk around the boutiques of the Meat Packing District. Our group was filled with friendly, energetic people that made fast friends on the trip.

It was great to sit down with everyone and hash out what things everyone was looking to get out of our giant excursion, what people were looking to do professionally, and where some of their interests lie. We covered a little bit of information, had some amazing discussions --

And then we were off!

The trip itself was filled with a three days of researching, working, and being inspired.
Despite having such a large group, it was amazingly intimate and everyone was so friendly and warm.

We had some great nights out on the town at some fantastic restaurants, peppered with conversations and schemes about the future.
We spent an 8 hour day at one of the biggest Stationery and art trade shows in the industry - and held a three part workshop for all of the participants that involved brainstorming, a hands-on walkthrough with tips on how to make contacts at the show, get your portfolio ready, and advice on prepping your portfolio for the surface design industry. It was a long, but extremely productive day and we came away feeling energized by everything we had seen and learned.

We got back to the hotel the second day and took a moment to relax, then headed to the Lower East Side for a fun sit-down dinner and a walk around St Marks. One of my favorite bonding times in particular was at out at a restaurant called Panna II - an Indian restaurant FILLED with Chili Pepper lights. After a long day of trade-showing, it was a welcome break and an amazing time to relax and eat some delicious food.

I want to thank everyone that came to the National Stationery Show / Surtex workshop with us! We know it was a lot of hard work, but we're excited to see your next steps!

You guys were fantastic! Thanks again!