Young Mystics: Carl Jung - Inner and Outer Worlds
Young Mystics - Carl Jung: Inner & Outer Worlds
$5 / free for students (just bring your ID) — drop ins welcome!
RSVP here!
THURSDAY, July 20th @ 6:30 - 9:00pm
Join us for an evening lecture and discussion on Jung's theories of awareness, perception and consciousness. Jung defines the inner world as the way our perception colors everything outside of ourselves. Our realities are shaped by how we percieve -- So how does one begin to see what's beyond one's self, and what benefits come from expanding our sphere of consciousness?
This is one in a series of workshops / meet-ups at Light Grey that take a look at psychological, mystical, or esoteric themes. Look for more upcoming Young Mystics classes and related make-and-take workshops this year!
Join Young Mystics instructor, Calvin Bauer, in exploring many of the concepts in "The I and the Not I" by Mary Esther Harding - a book on the "Jungian concept of ego development and Jung's theory of personality structure, the the collective unconscious, animus, shadow and archetypes." -- (a quote from Amazon)
This meet-up is for anyone looking to expand their knowledge of Jungian theory or looking for a space to reflect, learn, and develop their understanding of their own inner and outer worlds. We will have a part-lecture, part discussion with time to reflect and enjoy exploring new theories with like-minded people.
No knowledge of Jung or the topic is necessary to join! Come for the discussion and stay for the coffee and tea!
Bring a notebook and writing utensil to take notes!
This event is open to the public, so feel free to bring a friend!
Class is $5 / Free for students (just bring your ID).
Feel free to RSVP online on our Facebook Event Page HERE
We will be planning more Young Mystics meet-ups for the summer and fall seasons! Stay tuned for more!
About Young Mystics:
Light Grey Art Lab's Young Mystics meet-ups allow curious minds to explore metaphysical and mystical concepts with an enthusiastic and encouraging community of individuals with backgrounds in art, symbolism, philosophy, Tarot, and other esoteric interests. Classes are held every two-three weeks at Light Grey on a variety of rotating subjects! Check the Facebook page for upcoming events. All events are drop-in and open to the public! Everyone is welcome!