Universes by Design • Alternate Dimensions • Futurist Concepts
Opens September 22, 7-10pm
Light Grey Art Lab
118 E. 26th Street #101 - Minneapolis, MN 55404
Michio Kaku, a theoretical physicist, describes human consciousness as "a level at which we can plan, anticipate and visualize the future," which puts us in a category all our own -- separate from reptiles, plants, and other mammals. He describes his theory of consciousness as "the number of feedback loops required to make a model of your position in space with relation to other organisms and finally, in relationship to time." --
So, our ability to consider what the future might look like is quite easy... if we put together a series of considerations and say "what if..."
Brian Greene, an American theoretical physicist, mathematician, and string theorist, talks about the Multiverse as a place where there are unlimited universes, each with their own set of parameters. Our universe abides by it's own laws, but that doesn't necessarily mean that other universes would as well, if we were to devise a way to analyze them.
Dr. Michio Kaku also asks, "Is it ever possible on any scale to perhaps flip between different universes?" and describes deja vu as a hypothetical scenario of that occurring. Things seem vaguely familiar... somewhat identifiable... but still strangely different. So, when we look beyond our current realities into scenarios of the future, or to dimensions outside our own, what do we see?
This September, we are asking artists to visualize another universe, where things are a little... different.
We are looking for artists to build worlds beyond our own in this incredible landscape show!
Show us what would happen if we were to tap into these dimensions and be able to view the landscapes, cityscapes, atmospheres and ecosystems so different than our own. Would they be familiar, and call to mind a skewed take on our daily life and surroundings? Would they be completely alien, difficult to even comprehend? Do they resemble our concepts of the future? Or veer off into unforeseen tangents?
If you're interested in be a part of the show, all you have to do is comment in the comments section with your name, email and a link to your work online like this by August 5th:
Lindsay Nohl
(Please do not send any emails with your info because they get lost in my in-box! We want to make sure your entry is included!)
The call for art closes AUGUST 5th, and at that time we'll be jurying, selecting the group of participating artists for the exhibition and sending a big email out to everyone involved with specifics, dates and details! This show is a print-show only, and we will send information about selling work / editions and file guidelines in the artist sign-in email!
Like many of our exhibitions, we print the exhibition piece for free so that we can make it easier for people to participate from afar!
Dates & Details!
Call for art closes on August 5th
Participating artists emailed and public announcement posted August 7th
Artwork files & art info due to the gallery on September 8th
Opening Reception September 22nd!
We're excited to announce that we'll also be hosting new work by Matt Rockefeller and Trungles during the same timeframe, and the whole month will be a celebration of story, narrative, and world-building! We're inviting you to come out to the big party and enjoy some amazing work! Hope you can make it!
We're looking forward to this exhibition so much! Questions? Send Chris a note at
P.S. note from Lindsay -- (I'll be off in Iceland for our 4th Annual Light Grey Art Lab Iceland Residency Program! If you haven't checked it out, definitely take a look at the applications for next year's program HERE. We are currently looking for fun creative people to join us on an adventure of a lifetime to Iceland next year!)
Thanks again and talk with you soon!