CALL CLOSED! Thanks to everyone that submitted! Details will be posted shortly for the final participating artist list! Check back in a day or two for the roster, and keep an eye on your email! Thank you!
Opens October 27, 7-10pm
Light Grey Art Lab
118 E. 26th Street #101 - Minneapolis, MN 55404
The underside of this rock breathes the way water ripples to the shore on a windy day. Pulsating figures writhe in the dark, sliding across the surface - a mitosis of little bodies merging. Folding over one another, slipping past each-other, with a kind of sensual movement. Hidden from the light of day, they come alive to do their delicate job.
In the dark, the soft sounds of wings conjure visions of etherial entities. Specters who drift to and fro between the naked branches. And in the moonlight, small spirits skirt against the still surface of the pond, the click-clicking of their static voices barely audible.
This October, we are asking artists to fill the gallery with an exquisite menagerie of real-life creepy critters -- legs, claws, wings, pincers, eye-stalks, and more will proudly be displayed as we celebrate the beauty of all of the decomposers, poisoners, swarmers, transformers, night-dwellers, and much more.
We are looking for artists to glamorize the unique creatures that are overlooked because they're underfoot, lurking in the shadows, or slipping silently through the air in the still of night.
Our cabinet of curiosities could contain a still life with silk moths. Scientific references of reticulated reptiles. Tap into the elements that trigger our phobias of the strange and unfamiliar, and help us elevate the beauty in their existence. So imagine dangling your limbs into dark water, or your skin crawling at the thought of spiny legs scurrying, and look again at the creatures that make us shiver.
If you're interested in be a part of the show, all you have to do is comment in the comments section with your name, email and a link to your work online like this by September 4th:
Lindsay Nohl
(Please do not send any emails with your info because they get lost in my in-box! We want to make sure your entry is included!)
The call for art closes September 4th, and at that time we'll be jurying, selecting the group of participating artists for the exhibition and sending a big email out to everyone involved with specifics, dates and details! We will send information about selling work / editions and file guidelines in the artist sign-in email!
Like many of our exhibitions, we print the exhibition piece for free for all digital artists so that we can make it easier for people to participate from afar!
Dates & Details!
Call for art closes on September 4th
Participating artists emailed and public announcement posted September 6th
Artwork files & art info due to the gallery on October 6th
Opening Reception October 27th!
We're excited to announce that we'll also be hosting new work by Zoe Keller and a curated show by Teagan White, called CALAMITY: Hexes, Plagues & Prophecies during the same timeframe, and the whole month will be a celebration of nature's mysteries! We're inviting you to come out to the big party and enjoy some amazing work! Hope you can make it!
We're looking forward to this exhibition so much! Questions? Send me a note at